Safety of our people is part of our core DNA. It is key to our project development and operations philosophy. We continuously work to adopt best practices, train our people and improve processes with ever-changing business environment.

We have also rolled out several environment and community related initiatives during the year. For example, we are implementing waterless cleaning solutions, to reduce usage of water in our operations and implementing rainwater harvesting for a more sustainable environment. Our dedicated teams continue to engage with communities around our operations. We impart training for skill improvement and create local employment opportunities within our operations. We work with local groups to improve health, education and nutrition of people around our sites people around our sites.

  • 12 Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) conducted prior to project implementation and 16 Environment and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) conducted in FY20 ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 (Environment Management System), ISO 45001 (Safety Management System), ISO 50001 (Energy Management System) and ISO 55001 (Asset Management) being implemented at all sites.
  • Plantation done in 46 hectors across the sites. Through plantation 473.52-ton CO2 consumed and 340.46 O2 emitted.
  • EHS training conduced for employees and workers – 34,430 hours
  • Social impact considered a major factor in design and development of projects
  • Ensured land procurement based on willing buyer-seller arrangement, fairness of pay and negotiation for land price, in good faith. Land policy available on website.
  • Human Resources, Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM), Anti-Fraud, Anti-Bribery, and Ethics Procedure and Policies as per World Bank Group and International Labour Organization 3 Grievances received and resolved in FY20 Won Gold sustainability award 2019 from M/S APEX India.
  • Kamuthi site has obtained "3 Star Rating" from M/S CII in respect to EHS practices Rajeshwar site has won safety award for best practices in occupational, health and safety management.
  • Regular Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) inspections and audits (internal and external) Environment Social Management System (ESMS) developed and implemented.
  • Built long term mutually beneficial relationship with local stakeholders by organizing structured meetings at regular interval.